Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday Night in Berlin

On a recent trip to Europe, I scheduled some time to visit an old professor of mine.  While I was in school I was drawn to his personality, but it never materialized into anything.  I was a student, he was faculty.  And if he had any emotion toward me then, I couldn't tell.  I have always respected him as a smart person, but hadn't kept up with his career trajectory.

So, we met at my hotel around 7:30pm, and I looked cute, as usual, and when he came up to me at the bar, I was pleasantly surprised at how great he looked as well.  We hugged immediately, then sat down and drank and talked for about an hour before we needed to head out for dinner.

During dinner, I started to feel a great connection, and I somewhat switched into my interpretation of "girlfriend mode."  To be brief, I wasn't shy about eating off his plate or drinking from his glass.  Usually a characteristic of "girlfriend mode" includes the need to stroke a man's ego, but I was genuinely impressed with the professor's ability to keep up a charismatic conversation. I think we were just two people comfortable in our own respective skins. 

After hours of conversation, some silly (okay he now knows about my fear of the Zombiepocalypse and Yetis),  it was finally late, so around 1:30am, as the restaurant we were out was turning more so into a social hang out (with some pretty good music playing), the night ended.

We jumped into a taxi, and hit my hotel first where I jumped out and he continued on to his apartment.  Now, this is the part where you wonder if we kissed or anything else of that sort.  To be honest, I don't totally remember how we parted.  I know we didn't kiss, but I think I just thanked him for an amazing night out and jumped out of the taxi.  I cannot even remember if we hugged.  But, again, I cannot be sure.  It was late, I was tired, and my head was in the clouds. 

Upon return to my real life in the US, I started to reflect upon the type of man I would like to attract, and he fits the bill.  But, with all that good, comes some bad.  That being, he is extremely busy always, he lives in Germany, and I have no idea if he would go for a woman like me.

So, to gain some insight into the last obstacle, I reached out to a friend of mine who knows us both, and I disclosed my interest in possibly pursuing a relationship with the professor, and I said to my friend, "I would be lucky to end up with a guy like him."  My friend stopped me and said..."No, you have it all wrong...he would be lucky to have you.  You're like technicolor while he is just monochrome."

I was flattered, but that isn't getting me a real date with the professor.  So, the shining light in this otherwise sad tale is that I am a step closer to knowing what type of man is probably best for me.  Now, where do I find another one?

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