Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dating is a Numbers Game

Dating is a game of numbers. Whether you prefer online dating or meeting people out and about, you have to kiss enough frogs to find your prince. One of the most difficult challenges cute, smart women face is finding an equal. But, until you've dated a variety of men, you really might not have any idea about what an equal actually might look like.

Question: If you're attractive, do you feel like you deserve to date someone equally as attractive? 

If you said yes, then you need more help than I'm willing to give in this post. Basically, you don't "deserve" anything more than anyone else, no matter how you look! You should concentrate on the qualities that don't fade over time, personality, intelligence, charisma, dare I say... swagger! Looks fade, so if looks are your number one priority in finding a suitable match, good luck. You're likely to find yourself looking again in no time flat. 

Question: If you're smart, would you ever be happy with someone you deem "not as smart" as you? 

Possibly. Don't bother to discriminate based on resume. Not everyone had Harvard tuition money growing up. You might be surprised by where you meet men who are interesting and smart in ways that you're not. Getting to know someone is more than crossing items off of a checklist. It means understanding the way they think and approach life. While they may not be able to succeed in your chosen profession, they might surprise you with their talents in other arenas. Being too picky is the smart woman's curse. Don't fall into the trap. 

So, remember to be open minded in terms of your dating options because the numbers game has to be played.

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